Tips for your successful application.
The first impression counts. Since the initial selection is often made based on your application, here are some tips to help you, to make a good first impression with your application.
- Where do I apply for what?
Vacancies CLAAS Group:
- You can find all vacancies of the CLAAS Group in our Job Portal. Here you can apply online via our applicant management system. You will find answers to questions about the system further down this site.
Apprenticeships or dual-study programmes CLAAS Group:
- Please search for an apprenticeship or dual-study programme in our Job Portal.
Vacancies at our CLAAS dealers:
- You can find vacancies at our sales partners here and apply directly to the contact specified in the job advertisement via e-mail.
- You can find all vacancies of the CLAAS Group in our Job Portal. Here you can apply online via our applicant management system. You will find answers to questions about the system further down this site.
- Your application documents
Missing documents or too extensive documents make the selection process more difficult for our HR department and reduce your chances of successfully completing the first selection process.
An effective application to CLAAS must include:
- An individual letter of application stating the relevant job advertisement you want to apply for
- A tabular CV
- Copies of all relevant certificates
Your application should make a good visual impression, i.e. the layout, system and typeface should be attractive and clear.
Your cover letter should answer the following questions:- How did you find out about CLAAS (job portal, job advertisement in newspaper...)?
- What are your qualifications and your interests?
- What are your reasons for choosing your occupation?
- Why are you applying specifically for a job at CLAAS?
Please avoid standard letters with formulations such as "I would hereby like to apply for…". Try to give your application a personal touch. Your application is your first work sample and reflects your enagement, creativity and reliability.
Important: Important: As soon as you upload new documents in your candidate profile, please make sure that you update your newly added documents not only under "My documents", but also for the corresponding position under "Jobs applied".
- An individual letter of application stating the relevant job advertisement you want to apply for
- Preparing for your interview
Your first face-to-face meeting is approaching. We are excited about it and so are you. Take advantage of the opportunity to ask us plenty of questions and present yourself from your best side. To ensure that you are prepared for the interview, you should find out as much as you can about our company in advance. You will find a lot of information and useful facts about CLAAS on our website.
During the interview, take advantage of the opportunity to convince us with your personality and your commitment. We look forward to your interview. - Application tips for an apprenticeship and dual-study program
A complete application for an apprenticeship or dual-study programme at CLAAS must include:
- An individual letter of application stating the apprenticeship occupation. Please note: This is no longer necessary for a technical apprenticeship in Harsewinkel, Germany.
- A tabular CV
- Copies of your last two school reports
- Documentation of internships, certificates etc.
How does the selection process work at CLAAS?
The selection process for the businnes-oriented and technical apprenticeship is identical. Once the applications have been reviewed, there will be an online recruitment test. Based on the test results, a selection of applicants will be invited for a personal interview. The allocation of apprenticeship positions will be made on the basis of those interviews.
Application deadline:
We accept applications for the next training year as of June the year before (e.g. applications may be submitted as of June 2022 for applicants wishing to start their training in 2023).
- An individual letter of application stating the apprenticeship occupation. Please note: This is no longer necessary for a technical apprenticeship in Harsewinkel, Germany.
Your online application at CLAAS in Germany
Our CLAAS Job Portal allows you to apply quickly and easily. Once you have successfully registered on our job portal, you can also use your candidate profile for other job advertisements at CLAAS.
As a matter of course, we will keep your information completely confidential and we will never disclose it to third parties or use it for any other purposes. Find our data protection information here.
- What can I edit in my candidate profile?
Can I save my application and come back later?
If you want to save your application rather than sending it off immediately, you can do so. Simply save your information, go back to it later to make any necessary changes, and send off your application when you are done.
How should I submit my attachments (individually/together)?
You can upload your files either individually or as a combined document. Please just select the appropriate attachment type. You only need to upload the attachment(s) once. It/they will then be visible with all your applications.
How can I update my candidate profile once created?
You can log into the Job Portal again at any time using the login details you chose. In your candidate profile, you can add, update and delete data at any time. Important: As soon as you upload new documents in your candidate profile, please make sure that you update your newly added documents not only under "My documents" but also for the corresponding job under "Jobs applied".
- What can I do when there is currently no suitable vacancy for me?
In this case, we recommend that you still create a candidate profile in the CLAAS Job Portal. In order to be contacted by a recruiter if necessary, make sure that you share your profile with all recruiters worldwide under "Search options and data protection". Of course, you can change this setting at any time.
- How can I withdraw my application?
Open the respective job in your candidate profile under "Jobs applied" and click on "Withdraw application".